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Volunteer Submission Form

There are four categories of membership within the American College of Mohs Surgery, and each category adds value and strength to the ACMS as a whole.  While only Associates and Fellows may serve as officers or directors of the ACMS, any member in good standing is able to serve on a committee or task force. Complete the interest form to be considered for available positions. Interest forms are accepted year-round, however, any received after February 1, will be held and reviewed for consideration during the following term year.


Standing committees or ad hoc committees and task forces serve to assist the ACMS Board of Directors in fulfilling its duties and obligations to the membership. The Board may create a committee or task force and appoint the Chair as deemed necessary.

Each standing committee shall have a minimum of four members and a maximum of ten members unless authorized by the Board to have otherwise. Committee Chairs shall determine the number of members deemed necessary for their committee. *Please see the Nominating Committee page for unique guidelines.

With the exception of the Nominating Committee, committee terms shall be two years. Terms may be renewable for a second term at the Board's discretion.

Bylaws Committee
Whitney Tope, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To periodically review the ACMS Bylaws and propose and draft changes to the Bylaws as the need arises.

CME & Education Committee
Nicole M. Annest, MD, MS, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To ensure that ACCME Guidelines are being followed and implemented for any ACMS education programs that grant CME credit.

Communications and Public Relations Committee
Ramin Fathi, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To promote the name of the College and the technique of Mohs micrographic surgery, as well as help ACMS members market themselves.

Finance & Investment Committee
Jerry D. Brewer, MD, MS, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To develop an investment policy and to regularly review the investments of the College. The Finance & Investment Committee shall be composed of the members of the Executive Committee (the four Officers of the Board of Directors).  Others may be appointed to the committee at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Foundation Fundraising Committee
Barry Leshin, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To develop processes and procedures for fundraising to support the Foundation

Foundation Governance & Policy Committee
Thomas Stasko, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To make recommendations to the Board as to the funds available for distribution.

Foundation Research Grant Review Committee
Abigail H. Waldman, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To develop process and procedures for the solicitation and evaluation of requests for grants regarding member education (including annual meeting lectures), travel awards, patient education and all non-research related activities.

Foundation Development Award
David Carr, MD, MPH, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To develop process and procedures for the solicitation and evaluation of requests for grants regarding member education (including annual meeting lectures), travel awards, patient education and all nonresearch related activities

Frederic E. Mohs, MD, Award Committee
Christopher J. Arpey, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To review nominations, select candidates and elect a winner based on the established objectives for the Frederic E. Mohs Award.

Membership Committee
Brent R. Moody, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To review applications and verify that applicants meet the requirements as prospective members for Associate, Fellow, International Associate, International Fellow, and International Affiliate status.  The committee will also review with Administrative staff, the specific procedures involved in processing applications.

National Registry and Outcomes Committee
Marc Carruth, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To manage the data collection and performance improvement initiatives related to cutaneous surgical oncology to strengthen the ACMS’ position in health care and ultimately improve the care of patients with skin cancer.

Newsletter Committee
Howard W. Rogers, MD, PhD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To communicate newsworthy information to the College membership.

Nominating Committee
Elizabeth M. Billingsley, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To make nominations for six individuals to fill three positions for the Board of Directors each year and nominate two individuals to serve as Secretary-Treasurer (then Vice President, then President) every year. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three Past Presidents, other than the Immediate Past President, plus two appointed ACMS members in good standing.  The Chair position shall be successive, with the earliest-serving Past President serving in that position. Thus, each Past President shall serve for three years. The two at-large members shall serve a term of four years.

Physician Engagement Council
John G. Albertini, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To represent and oversee the Improving Wisely Program on behalf of the ACMS. The Council shall work in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to internally benchmark certain aspects of Mohs surgery to demonstrate high quality, safe, cost-effective care. The Improving Wisely Program shall obtain access to current databases, utilize expert statistician consultants to independently analyze the numbers, and provide ACMS members with a completely confidential, peer-to-peer, legally non-discoverable report outlining one’s own performance relative to the whole Mohs College membership. The Physician Engagement Council shall be comprised of the Executive Committee and three (3) senior at-large members. Council members shall pledge confidentiality, and abstain from the reporting of individual status to any state medical board, hospital or insurance credentialing department, legal or media outlet. Council members shall be the only ACMS members to view complete data, and offer mentoring and educational resources to members whose practice patterns differ substantially from the rest of their colleagues on any defined quality metric.

Private Sector Advocacy Committee
Howard W. Rogers, MD, PhD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To identify the chief areas of present transition and vulnerability in the private sector insurance industry that may limit the access of patients to Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) and fellowship trained Mohs surgeons or that may limit the ability of fellowship trained Mohs surgeons to perform MMS.

Public Policy Committee
Brent R. Moody, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To monitor government policies and regulations that would affect ACMS members and the sub-specialty, recommend advocacy strategies to the Board, and meet with government officials as directed by the Board.

Scientific Program Committee
Todd E. Holmes, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To plan the ACMS Annual Meeting, oversee the abstract review process, and participate in judging and determining the Tromovitch Award winner at the Annual Meeting. The Scientific Program Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, the Program Chair, the Incoming Program Chair, and one optional at-large member who may be chosen by the Program Chair. The President (or President-Elect for the projected future meeting) will be responsible for choosing the Incoming Chair and at-large member.  The immediate-past Scientific Program Chair will remain on the committee for one year as an ex-officio member.

Pathology Slide Quality Review Committee
Thomas J. Knackstedt, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To review slides of international training program director applicants current ACMS & ACGME program directors, and ACMS members to ensure slide quality meets the standards set forth by the ACMS. The committee reports its findings to the SISRB Board.

Tromovitch Award Committee
Cerrene N. Giordano, MD, FACMS, Chair

Purpose: To oversee the Tromovitch Award abstract review process, and participate in judging and determining the Tromovitch Award winner at the Annual Meeting.

Best Practices for Committee Success

The American College of Mohs Surgery is as strong as the volunteers that facilitate continued member achievement and organizational growth. Using these tips will ensure that committee meetings function efficiently, as well as effectively.

Guidelines for Committee Success

You've been invited to, and agreed to serve on an ACMS committee - thank you for volunteering your time. It is because of your expertise, availability and willingness to serve that you were chosen - share  your thoughts and remain engaged. Whenever an ACMS committee meets, it is important for all participants to be mindful of the shared time that has been designated for the meeting. Please consider implementing the following to ensure that all meetings are run efficiently and effectively.

Committee Members' Responsibilities

  • Understand the College's mission and purposes.
  • Support the College and its leadership through the activities of the committee
  • Fulfill the objectives of the committee by accepting tasks as assigned by the committee chair.
  • Meet established deadlines in order to advance the committee’s objectives efficiently.
  • Work to strengthen programs and services for members through the activities of the committee.
  • Promote the College's image through the activities of the committee.
  • Maintain the legal and ethical integrity of the College.
  • Attend all scheduled committee conference calls and be present during the entire call unless an urgent situation arises that prevents attendance.
  • Prepare for conference calls by reviewing the agenda and supporting documents.
  • Treat all information learned or shared at conference calls as confidential and the intellectual property of the College.
  • Promote the College to others.
  • Stay current on issues and trends impacting the College and membership.
  • Work with staff as necessary to realize the goals of the committee. 

Committee Chair Responsibilities

  • Start the meeting on-time and welcome participants
  • Use time effectively - use the agenda and stay the course
  • Encourage full participation - offer each attendee a time to respond
  • Guide the meeting - be aware of time, and discourage extensive off topic conversation
  • Ask the questions! Specific questions help avoid ambiguity.

Serving on a Committee

  • Participating - engaging and providing feedback - it is because of your expertise and value that you were selected to serve - please share your thoughts!

Simplified Rules of Order

  • Call to order - Chair
  • Adoption of Agenda - member moves to accept the pre-distributed agenda
  • Minutes - Chair can declare "being no error or omissions, I declare the minutes approved as shared" - requires a second.
  • Unfinished business - any postponed business - chair remind attendees of history of unfinished business before discussion begins.
  • Committee reports - no need for a motion to receive a committee or task force report - the adoption of the agenda mandates inclusion. After discussion, the chair moves for vote/approval.
  • New Business - chair begins new business.
  • Announcements - information shared for the good of the group.
  • Adjournment - Member moves for adjournment; needs to be seconded. Chair announces formally that meeting is adjourned.

Additional Resources